Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Yeah! It is official: I finally watched ‘Moneyball’ What a great movie! It reminds of one very important concept: “He hit a homerun and didn’t even realize it!” – What do I take from this? What is my gathered concept?  - We need to always know when we are hitting home runs. It is way too easy to recognize our ‘strike-outs’ in this world.  As you can see, I’ve titled this blog: ‘BetterManPlan’. If you’ve been reading, you’ll also notice that I really haven’t been writing. If I truly didn’t believe in the previously given concept, I would continue ‘on and on’ about how terrible I am at writing and committing myself to becoming a better man. My homerun today is: “Realizing We May Have to Take Baby-Steps, Before We Can Gain Strides.”

-Becoming Better for God, One Day at a Time.
-Lifting Everything Up to God and Knowing It's Up to Him.

                                                                                                                    Nolan Hayes

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

No More Excuses….only simple known facts.

So, it’s been just over a week since I've written. As my first post possibly read, a potentially reader may have assumed: I’d be writing every day. Well, that assumption would be correct. ‘My Plan’ was to write every day. After my first full day of trying to better myself, I rediscovered what I really need: SLEEP!!

Before I try to improve myself and after I replenish myself with basic human life needs; I must understand what I (Nolan Hayes) needs –above all: SLEEP!! This is a known and acknowledged fact about me. So, with no more excuses and with only simple known facts about me: ‘my plan’ –in accordance with God’s Will, may start to take shape as I move forward wanting to better myself everyday and in every way.

Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Make the most of your day –today!

Living with So Much Love and assuming the best.

God Guide Me, Keep Me Safe, and Give Me Strength.

simply and humbly yours,

Nolan Hayes

Monday, November 11, 2013

'My Plan'

Me, my wife and her parents recently watched 'Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close'. Let me start my by saying, "This is a great movie!" It's a movie about a boy's story regarding 9/11. We watched, and this is what happened:

Within the first 20 minutes; I thought, "I am not going to like this movie!" Well, I was wrong. As the movie progressed, the story got better and better. After the movie, I was looking up some information on my phone. The time read: 9:11 pm. I informed my family of the time. We all were considering the 'coincidence'. Then my wife reminded me about our morning. That morning, she asked me for the time. My watch read: 9:11 am. We all exclaimed, "Whoa!" My wife then wanted to take it a step further, and asked for the date.  We all reminded her that it wasn't even September. So, a "Nice Try!" was distributed by yours truly. Then I realized the date. We watched 'Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close' on November the 6th. November the 6th reads: 11/6. Does this look familiar? Yeah! Read 11/6 upside down. It reads: 9/11. We were all taken back by this major 'coincidence'. Some people may chalk it up as exactly that: a major coincidence.

I on the other hand, wanted to find out what this could mean. So, I called my sister Jeannie. Jeannie is known to be a 'spiritual-sensitive'. I hope I'm using the correct terminology. My sister Jeannie explained to me, she believed that this was a 'Spiritual Knock' A spiritual knock occurs when spirits are trying to gain a person's attention. "Think about it Nolan!" Jeannie encouraged, "How many people died September 11th?" Unfortunately, almost 3,000 people died during the 9/11 attacks. "Why are they trying to gain our attention?" I asked. She suggested, "Maybe they want you to pray for their souls!" I agreed with this notion, and later prayed for the many souls lost during the September 11th attacks.

My thoughts then returned to the movie. One of my main personally interpreted themes of the movie was: "Life is an Adventure -No matter what happens -As Long As You Keep Going and Doing Your Best -You'll Make Us Proud -We Are Proud of You!"

This thought immediately fled to my parents. My dad died when I was seven, and my mom died when I was eleven. I thought about my parents and the victims of 9/11. "What could they be trying to promote?" The attacks of 9/11 took the lives of people too soon from their own life adventures. Overall, I believe my mom and dad were trying to tell me, "Get Back to Making Us Proud! -Use Your Life Adventures to Better Yourself Everyday." And Yes! I believe the victims of 9/11 were knocking: Reminding Me of How Precious Life Really Is! *Every Moment *EVERYDAY.

I believe, we owe God life! And So, this is my blog of Accountability. Everyday I will try in anyway, to better myself: For God, For My Wife, For My Family, For My Friends and even Mine Enemies.
In Love, Prayer, Work, Exercise, Nutrition, Reading, Writing, Music....and anything else God wills me to learn, and never stop learning.

This blog will specifically help me: 'keep up on my writing.'
*You'll notice my grammar and vocabulary is 'not all there'. - My goal in life is to TRULY do my best. A lot of people SAY SO, but do not follow through with their stated intentions or goals. One day at a time and always remembering:

This is my BetterMan Plan! - all in accordance with God's Will.